Alhamdulillah Old Boys Association of Darul Quran Al-Kareem was formed in the year 2005. The object of the OBA is to help out the Institute in all its activities and look after the welfare of the students both past and present. The OBA has been very helpful organizing, participating and contributing in many ways to the success of many programs/activities conducted by the Institute during the last 4 years.
Details of OBA Committee
Hafiz Muhammad Nadheer Muhammad Siddeeq President
Hafiz Abdullah Osman Kassim Secretary
Hafiz A.W.Imtiaz Ahamed Treasurer
Hafiz Mohamed Hassan Rafeek Member
Hafiz Azam Kassim Member
Hafiz Rimzan Nazeer Member
Hafiz Mohamed Musthaq Member
Hafiz Ahmed Ashraff Member
Hafiz Abdus Salam Mohamed Ali Member